Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm Not There

Here is true art film. And by art film, I mean a film that I am pretty sure I didn't get the point that the writer/director was trying to produce. A multiple story-line picture based on the music and personality of Bob Dylan was, I suppose, illuminating the man in a way that couldn't be done with a straight biopic. Instead, I felt lost throughout. I kept looking for connections between the story-lines (none) and a coherent theme (none). So while overall this was disappointing, there was one scene that made me laugh. Bob Dylan and Alan Ginsberg standing at the foot of a giant crucifix, looking up and yelling... "Hey you, get down from there, you might get hurt" and "Why don't you do some of your early stuff".

Full disclosure: Watching a late night friday film when I have not had my mid-day friday nap results in me dozing in and out throughout, which could be the cause of my lack of ability to follow story-line and theme. But I am sticking with disappointing and crediting Annika with helping me to remember the crucifix scene.

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