Sunday, February 22, 2009

Frost Nixon: Watergate Interviews

Still concerned that most of my historical knowledge comes from historical fiction films, I got the original Frost/Nixon interview. I suppose the Watergate session was the only one interesting of the six hours of broadcast interview since that is the only one available on Netflix. I really enjoyed seeing this interview, although again it betrayed my ignorance of recent history. Both Frost and Nixon batted around names and dates as they worked to get the facts of the Watergate events straight, and I had a hard time keeping everything straight. Is it the case that the entire nation was so involved with the scandal that when these interviews aired 3 years after the resignation, people still had enough memory of the sequence of events to keep the "date-jousting" straight? An amazing commentary on our society and the immensity of this event. If you are only going to watch one Frost/Nixon film, I would recommend the original. While it doesn't contain a lot of the background and personality development that the newer version adds in, I think it is a good view of a conflicted Nixon and the complexities he experienced as President (and likely the complexities that any president faces).

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