Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quantum of Solace

I must admit from the outset that I am not a Bond fanatic. I do like the Bond movies, and I have my favorite Bond (Sean Connery), but I can't name all the films, nor argue the merits of the various plot lines and villains. At the same time, there are two characteristics that are essential identifiers of a Bond movie. Cheeky humor and gadgets. It is these two areas that Quantum of Solace fails miserably. So much so, in fact, that this iteration does not even have Q. And Daniel Craig (so far) is a bit too serious for the cheeky humor. But this film fits solidly into the 'good action/adventure' category: Nice little plot, a few absurdities that need to be over looked, good chase scenes, a rescue or two, a friend "on the other side", a boss who believes in you in spite of all appearances. In fact, this film reminds me more of The Transporter series, or even a bit of District B-13 than it does of the classic Bond model. And that is actually OK with me. I don't want to be someone who is stuck in history, with an "If it is not like the first Bond movie I saw, then it isn't a Bond movie at all" attitude. But again, I am not a fanatic.

1 comment:

ben wideman said...

Well said, I agree fully.