Friday, August 29, 2008

Longtime Companion

Filmed in 1990, Longtime Companion is what I would call a "historical drama", telling the story of the discovery and development of AIDS in the gay community of New York throughout the 80's. For the first 15 minutes of the film, I wasn't sure if I was watching a satire, or a comedy, or a drama. The script hits all the right points to highlight the stereotypes of the 80's. But over the course of the film, the members of the ensemble begin to contract "the gay cancer", and each of the group deals with their friends and themselves in different ways. The mood portrayed is one of confusion, fear and disbelief all mixed in with care for each other, determination and love. We are not dragged into blame or the depraved world of drugs and sex, but stay in the lofty realm of humanity. Learning to mourn our friends, laugh over their lives, and continue to live ourselves are all themes that make this a good film. And the excellent conclusion (in the living our lives category) includes an absolutely fantastic cover of YMCA by a baroque trio that I only wish would have been shown in its entirety.

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