Ruby is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults). In fact, both her parents and her brother are deaf. So from the earliest age she has been translating for the family in their small town northeast fishing village. But Ruby likes to sing and it turns out is pretty good at it. So when she joins her high school choir, and is invited to private lessons by the director as a way to prepare her to audition for college at Berklee, the Ruby is finally happy and her family is really confused. They need her to help with the family fishing business, but the brother is tired of not being given responsibility and she is tired of too much responsibility. And, as a feel good movie about deaf people, everything works out in the end. For me, the singular most impactful scene is at the high school concert. We have heard throughout the film Ruby practicing with her partner for their duet. We know the song. So at the actual concert, we watch the entire performance from the perspective of the parents, silent. We see can only gain clues about what is being heard from the facial expressions and actions of those around. So cool as a 'bring me into the world' device.
4 stars (out of 5)